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Experimentar Luzes
Experimentar Luzes

Sun, 10 Nov



Experimentar Luzes

Oficina para Bebés

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Time & Location

10 Nov 2024, 10:00 – 11:00

Porto, Av. de Camilo 224, 4300-096 Porto, Portugal

About the event

_Experimentar  Luzes_

Pisca, brilha e reflete! Luzes que piscam, outras que mudam de cor e desenhos fluorescentes... Caixas de luz e até um retroprojector! Desenhar com sal colorido. Descobrir esconderijos com luz negra. Há muitas coisas para experimentar, já se está mesmo a ver que o mais importante é brincar!

Experimenting Ligths

Blink, shine and reflect! Lights that blink, others that change color and fluorescent designs... Light boxes and even an overhead projector! Draw with colored salt. Discover hiding places with black light. There are many things to try, you can already see that the most important thing is to play!


  • Experimentar Luzes

    Oficina para Bebés

    From €18.00 to €36.00
    Sold Out
    • €18.00
      +€0.45 ticket service fee
    • €25.00
      +€0.63 ticket service fee
    • €33.00
      +€0.83 ticket service fee
    • €36.00
      +€0.90 ticket service fee

This event is sold out

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